Golf Clash – Neon City 9 Hole Cup – Master – Hole 6, Albatross – Final/Weekend Round!


Clear ring 90% in rough with Apoc 7
7 TS and 3 LS
Max+20% P0
Outer wall left
~370-375 yards

Your turn B52 and 0% P0

+1 = -0.6
+2 = -0.5
+3 = -0.4
+4 = -0.3
+5 = -0.2
+6 = 0.1
+7 = 54% and 0% P0
+8 = +0.1
+9 = +0.2
+10 = +0.3

Apply 1 BS to have BG just short of pin → Respin to 1.5 BS