Golf Clash – Digital Tournament – PRO – Hole 3, Albatross – Qualifying Round!

Apoc 3+ with a Titan Ball.
Apply 5.8 TS and 2 RS and have the BG going straight down the fairway. Adjust max+10% P3 (Apoc 3 users push up 5 yards after adjustment). Apply max OP on a slow needle. +/- 382 yards.

Second shot:
RFM + 5% P3.
Push up at least 10 rings from min and then apply spins to have BG 1 GS short of the pin. Beware of the glitchy spots. Adjust, center the ball, and hit perfect.

Sniper RFM:
Rings = Slider
1 =3%
2 = 5%
3 = 8%
4 = 11%
5 = 13%
6 = 16%
7 = 18%
8 = 21%
9.5 = 25%
10 = 27%
11.2 = 30%
13.0 = 35%
14.8 = 40%