Drive: Apoc7+ with a P5/TSB3/S1/W3 ball.
1. Start with a P4 ball at complete max touching the yellow ring to the fairway on right.
2. Adjust max +10% P4 #S and push up to max in case of winds below 11.2 mph. Winds 11.2+ mph push to +23.
3. Swap to the ball mentioned above and apply max TS with max boost and 0.5 right spin.
4. Apply max OP and hit perfect.
5. The aim is to clip the rough and rollout for a drive distance of +/- 465 yards.
Approach: Thorn Dunk
1. Apply max BS and aim the bullseye at the back of the cup.
2. Adjust min-10% P5.
3. Center the ball and hit perfect.
If you don’t clip the rough then play EB school at 40% elevation P5 #s.