Golf Clash – Texan Track 9 Hole Cup – Master – Hole 4, Eagle (Centurion/KS) – Final/Weekend Round!

No unnecessary send it as we play on a somewhat direct tailwind on short iron.

Centurion NMT β†’ 6.5 TS and 3 LS.
Max+20% P0 β†’ Swap to P4S3W4. (P4 ball has slow needle, P3 will have slight shake)
Half ball left curl.
Max OP.
365-372 yards

Approach: Falcon 8

Perform a green-fringe check in line with the pin.
4-4.2 TS to have BG just to center pin.

+2 = -0.3
+3 = -0.2
+4 = -0.1
+5 = 62% slider + 5% P4 (base)
+6 = +0.1
+7 = +0.2
+8 = +0.3

Note: Falcon 6 and 7 use P4 Ball due to less power on short iron and use 66% slider as base instead. So +5 check with Falcon 6/7 shall be 66% slider + 5% P4 (base)