Quarterback with a P0-P2 W5 ball.
1. Start with a P4 ball at complete min and apply 3.5 BS with BG to the hole.
2. Swap to P0-P2 W5 ball.
3. Adjust 1:1 + 0.7 (in higher winds, 7.9+ add an extra 0.1)
4. Check wind angles and make tweaks as necessary. (Note extreme king winds 8.3+ might require an additional click of curl due to more wind push)
5. Wind Angle Tweaks:
a. In red WA, 1-2 left curl (more cross)
b. In black WA, no curl
c. In yellow WA, 1-2 right curl (more tail)
6. Hit perfect
Credits to telegram chat for identifying the rock for WAs.