Golf Clash – Oceanic Games 9 Hole Cup – Master – Hole 6, Albatross – Final/Weekend Round!

Option 1: Berserker Send it.

At P5 max stretch, white ring by the rough-fairway line → bring to rest.
Move 0.5 left for winds BELOW 14.5 mph
Move 0.5 right for winds ABOVE 14.5 mph
Max TS and 2 RS.
Check curl, max OP, hit perfect.

Option 2: P3TSB5+W2/W3 Ball (Note:- I didn’t have W2 TSB balls so didn’t test them, however in wind 12.6 mph+ I recommend reducing overpower a little)

At P3 max stretch, bullseye on cliff edge.
Apply max TS + TSB and 0.5 LS
Check curl, max OP (W3 balls only), hit perfect.

Option 3: P5TSB4+W0 ball

Same setup at Berserker but this time –
Move 0.5 left for winds BELOW 17.5 mph
Move 0.5 right for winds ABOVE 17.5 mph
Check curl, circle drop OP, hit perfect.


EB No spin: 20% P5
EB TS Boost: -40% P2 (the power depends upon which power ball you are using. Go 1 power below the ball you are using)

Thorn: RFM + 10% P5 (untested but should be enough as we have tailwind)