Golf Clash – The Big Game 9 Hole Cup – MASTER *FREE TO PLAY* – Qualifying Round Walkthrough!

Intro (MUST LISTEN) – 0:00

Hole 1 (eagle) – 0:55
NMT: 5.5 TS and 2 RS
Max+15% P3
365-370 yards
Approach –
Fairway-Fringe Check
+0 = 90
+1 = 92 = +0.1
+2 = 94 = +0.2
+3 = 96 = +0.3
+4 = 98 = +0.3
+5 = max
and 25% P3.

Hole 2 – 2:35
1-1 – 1
1 LS and 0.1 TS
If hitting min line = tailwind = add 2 clicks left curl and 2 clicks UP
If not hitting min line = headwind = add 2-5 clicks right curl

Hole 3 (Albatross) – 3:38

Stretch to max to have the blue ring by bunker on left.
Max+10% p5 and push up as below –
6 TS and 1 RS
13.1 – 13.5 = +29
13.6 – 13.9 = +28
14 – 14.3 = +27
14.4 – 14.7 = +26
14.8 – 15.1 = +25
15.2 – 15.5 = +24
15.6 – 16.1 = +23

Second shot
EB school no spin 20% pin or Thorn RFM no spin 15%

Hole 4 – 5:27
P1-10% max
4.5 BS
Tweak offset for the drop.

Hole 5 (Eagle) – 6:30
Max+0 P5
Full TS and 1 RS
TH7 push up 3 yards
TH6 push up 3 yards use albatross ball.
-35% P4 at slider EB max TS .

Hole 6 – 8:21
Drive – NMT
4.5 TS and 0.5 RS
Max+10% P5
Push up based on wind strength
Anything 10.7 or lower = max
10.8 – 11.1 = +30
11.2 – 11.5 = +28
11.6-11.9 = +26
12-12.3 = +24
Max OP, perfect hit
385-395 yards
4.5 TS and whatever side spin.
Landing position + yardage slider with 10% P5
+3 = 69%
+4 = 71%
+5 = 73%
+6, +7 = 75%
+8 = 77%
+ 9 = 79%
+10 = 82%
+11 = 84%

Hole 7 (Hole in One) – 10:34
Ignore the replay glitch and read the instructions below:
Start with KS → see wind → enter into app → change to navigator.
Complete P1 min using the rock, apply 5 TS and 1 LS, and have BG centered and through the hole.
Adjust max -25% P0
Swap back to kingslayer.
Hit perfect

Hole 8 (Eagle) – 11:33
3.5 TS and 1 LS
Max+10% P4
Change to KS
Triangle left curl → Max OP

Second shot 50% P3 at DD slider

400 = 96%
401 = 95%
402 = 94%
403 = 93%
404 = 92%
405 = 91%
406 = 90%
407 = 89%
408 = 88%
409 = 87%
410 = 86%

Hole 9 (Safe Eagle) – 13:07
Max+15% P5.
Inner ring by rough on the right.
Max TS + 1 RS.
Push up 10-11 yards.
75% curl right, max OP perfect hit.
Long roll = 450+
Short roll = 430+

Second shot:
6 TS and 2 LS.
Max+10% P5, note OP rings.
0.5 curl left and necessary OP.

20% EB school @ slider.
Apply spins to have BG through the hole.
For 10.6 mph, I played 56% slider 20% P5 = 6.9 rings for rapier 9.