Savannah Tournament Text Guide (April 26th, 2021)

Monster Marsh Tournament (October 14th, 2019)

Buckle up for Halloween with the upcoming Monter Marsh Tournament that plays on the same courses like the previous tournament on Halloween.

monster marsh tournament course guide

The holes are the same like last year’s Halloween and they are temporary available during the time in either Tour 4 or Tour 7 to get a feeling for them if you don’t play those tours already.

Here are some additional tips that you can use well in the Monster Marsh Tournament:

golf clash monter marsh tournament text guide - hole 1Hole 1 – this is an excellent hole to start the tournament and also the one that gives you the highest chance to do a hole-in-one.

No matter what division you’re playing the Monster Marsh Tournament in, the best way to approach here will always be to do a rough bump. You could technically bump it on the fairway and use enough backspin but it’s bumby there and you might come in too hot and need to use curl.

By doing the rough bump you should use 1 bar of front spin and the ball will have the right speed and all you need to do is adjust with a little sidespin to approach to pin directly (0.5-1 bar is about the right amount).

golf clash monter marsh tournament text guide - hole 2Hole 2 – the reason why so many people here struggle with this hole is because they make their situation harder than needed. Approaching the green in one is super risky and the best line is to play it on the left side and get a clean shot and approach the pin in your second shot for the eagle.

So, if you bounce it over the water you want to stay as much to the right side of the fairway as possible, the left side slopes down and the further you get there the less air time your ball will get and you might end up with a water hazard.

Depending on the wind you need to overpower and add also a little bit of sidespin and top spin to your ball to get as much down the fairway strip as possible with your drive.

In your second hit you can bump it on the green directly if you have the club for that or your bounce it on the fringe if you have a club with 3 bars of backspin or less.

These are the two challenges in this hole – getting the drive to bounce right to get to the fairway island and then bouncing it right so you won’t come in too hot for an eagle or the secure birdie in the Monster Marsh Tournament.

golf clash monter marsh tournament text guide - hole 3Hole 3 – at this hole the drive will make it or break it. I recommend to ignore the left side completely and focus on bouncing the ball over the water on the second fairway and get there as much to the end and right as possible.

You need a Power II or better a Power III ball here and use max sidespin to the right as well. Depending on the wind you will also need to overpower you shot slightly. You will see players that try to land directly on the second island but this will not work and is a high risk play – rather focus on wind adjustment.

For your second shot you can approach the pin directly by bouncing on the fairway in front of the green. The green slopes down a little bit so aim about 1-2 rings ro the right of the pin to get your ball as close to it as possible and also for a decent chance to get an albatross here in the Monster Marsh Tournament.

golf clash monter marsh tournament text guide - hole 4Hole 4 – here we have a tricky hole in the Monster Marsh Tournament because you think you can easily attempt the green in your drive.

You’ll put yourself in a tough spot here and it’s aboslutely okay if you can reach close to the green and take it from there with a wedge in your second shot.

So, bouncing over that bunker is mandatory in my opinion and you should also add some nice backspin of 3-4 bars when doing that so you will get as close to the pin as possible paired with max sidespin to the left.

I also recommend you to use a Power III ball to get the distance right and overpower a little bit so you can get as close to the bunker as possible and bounce with the backspin without taking any high risk.

Don’t mess around with curl here, you risk landing inside the bunker and bouncing over it, even when you end up on the fairway next to the green, will give you a nice eagle or secure birdie in the Monster Marsh Tournament.

golf clash monter marsh tournament text guide - hole 5Hole 5 – this is actually one of the easiest holes in the Monster Marsh Tournament if you play it that way I show you in the image.

First you want to use your drive to get as far down the right side of the fairway and use about 4-5 bars of top spin to not risk getting into the rough.

From here you have a clean shot bouncing the ball directly over the bushes on the green where you can directly approach the pin for a nice chnace to even get an albatross.

If you approach the green you want to use about 1.5 bars of backspin without any wind from the tail or the front. If the wind is facing you you might want to add/reduce that by 0.5 bars of backspin.

The birdie is actually mandatory here because this Par 5 should actually be a Par 4 in the Monster Marsh Tournament.

golf clash monter marsh tournament text guide - hole 6Hole 6 – this is also an easy hole in the Monster Marsh Tournament and you can get a decent chance for an hole-in-one here.

You want to aim your shot at a point where your second bounce will be in the middle of the fringe.

For spin (I assume you use a wood here), youw ant to use about 3 bars of backspin paired with all the sidespin to the right that you can get.

When executing your shot you can also add a little bit of curl to the right and this will make your ball approach the pin very nicely.

As I said, one of the easiest holes in this tournament πŸ™‚

golf clash monter marsh tournament text guide - hole 7Hole 7 – you really want to play this hole with a driver with a lot of front spin (Big Topper e.g.) and a short iron with a lot of backspin (The Thorn is excellent).

Some players tend to go via the small island on the right but the best way to play this hole will be bouncing over the the left fairway and get as far there as possible by using spin and some curl to the left. The small island on the right is pretty inconsistent so the risk is not worth it.

From there you will have a nice open hit towards the green and if you have The Thorn you can also play on the green directly with loads of backspin.

This Par 4 is a nice way to get an eagle in the Monster marsh Tournament as long as you can do a clean drive and stay away from the bunker.

golf clash monter marsh tournament text guide - hole 8Hole 8 – I do believe that playing this hole via the small island into a rough bump gives you the highest chance to get a hole-in-one in the Monster Marsh Tournament.

What you do is aiming so the second bump will be on the rough, it’s uphill so 2.5 bars will be the best amount to get the right amount of speed to reach the pin or not go over the green by coming in too hot.

You also want to use about 2-3 bars of sidespin to the left and adjust the wind correctly and this is the best way to approach this hole in the tournament.

golf clash monter marsh tournament text guide - hole 9Hole 9 – this one is the toughest Par 5 in the Monster Marsh Tournament. The left side has a more difficult drive and can only be done with tailwind but gives you an easier approach and chance for an albatross. The right side has the easier drive and is your line if there’s no tailwind but has the more difficult approach for the green.

On the left side, you want to use 5 bars of sidespin to the right for your drive and all the top spin you have. From here you can use a wood to approach the pin and I’d recommend you to aim the second bounce to be on the fairway as well and add 0.5-1 bar of backspin.

On the right line you need to avoid the bunker and try to get as far down the fairway as possible. For your second hit you should aim right in front of the trees and add all the curl you have to make it for the green. It’s harder and an albatross is almost impossible that way but you won#t have any other option without tailwind in your drive.

Good luck with the tournament and enjoy πŸ™‚